Book Your General Cleaning Today!

{{ is_error_msg }}

Select Category
Select Service
{{ service_details.bookingpress_service_name }}

Duration: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}

Price : {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

Extra Services
See Less
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_name }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_formatted_price }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration }} {{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration_unit }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_service_description }}
{{ n }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_service_description }}
Load More
Load Less
{{ n }} {{number_of_person_title}}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_name }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_service_description }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_formatted_price }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration }} {{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_extra_service_duration_unit }}
{{ service_extra_details.bookingpress_service_description }}
{{ n }} {{number_of_person_title}}

Extra Cleaning Equipment includes

MaxClean Degreaser (1 bottle) | GermShield Sanitizer (1 bottle) | Refreshing Flora (1 bottle) | Microfiber Cleaning Cloths (3pcs – 1 blue 1 pink, 1 green) | Microfiber Glass Cloth (1pc) | Sponge Scrubber (1pc) | Long Brush (1pc) | Toilet Brush (1pc) | Window Squeegee (1 unit)

The customer must ensure the availability of basic cleaning equipment for the cleaning service.

• Vacuum Cleaner
• Mop Set
• Water Buckets

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Date & Time
Select your preferred start time
There is no time slots available
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
Morning (8:30 am, 9 am, 9:30 am)
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
Afternoon (1 pm, 1:30 pm, 2pm)
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
Date & Time
Select your preferred start time
There is no time slots available
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
Morning (8:30 am, 9 am, 9:30 am)
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
Afternoon (1 pm, 1:30 pm, 2pm)
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}
{{time_details.formatted_start_end_time}} {{ time_details.max_capacity }} {{slot_left_text}}

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Personal Information

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Your Appointment Details

{{appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_name }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_firstname }} {{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_lastname }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.form_fields.customer_email }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_service_name}}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
{{appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_selected_extra_service_count}} Extras
Date & Time
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{appointment_step_form_data.selected_formatted_start_end_time}}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date}}
Appointment Details
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_name }}
{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
{{appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_selected_extra_service_count}} Extras
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_formatted_start_end_time }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_service_name}}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ cart_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ cart_details.formatted_start_time }} to {{ cart_details.formatted_end_time }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ cart_details.formatted_start_time }} - {{ cart_details.formatted_end_time }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ cart_details.formatted_start_time }}
{{ cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_name }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.formatted_start_time }} - {{ bookingpress_cart_details.formatted_end_time }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_deposit_price_with_currency }}
of {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_unit }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_bring_anyone_selected_members }}
{{cart_service_extra_quantity_title}} {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_cart_total_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_deposit_price_with_currency }}
of {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_unit }}
x {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_bring_anyone_selected_members }}
x {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
{{cart_edit_item_title}} {{cart_remove_item_title}}
Total Booking Amount
Total Deposit
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_cart_total_with_currency }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
+{{ appointment_step_form_data.tax_amount }}
{{couon_applied_title}} {{ appointment_step_form_data.coupon_code }}
-{{ appointment_step_form_data.coupon_discount_amount_with_currecny }}

{{ coupon_code_msg }}

{{ coupon_code_msg }}

{{coupon_apply_button_label}} Applied
{{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.total_payable_amount_with_currency }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
{{deposit_title}} {{full_payment_title}}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_amt }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.deposit_payment_amount_percentage }}% ( {{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_amt }} )
{{deposit_remaining_amount_title}} {{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_due_amt }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.total_payable_amount_with_currency }}
Service Name
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_name }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.formatted_start_time }} - {{ bookingpress_cart_details.formatted_end_time }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_deposit_price_with_currency }}
of {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_unit }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_bring_anyone_selected_members }}
{{cart_service_extra_quantity_title}} {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_cart_total_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_deposit_price_with_currency }}
of {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_original_price_with_currency }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_service_duration_unit }}
x {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
{{ bookingpress_cart_details.bookingpress_bring_anyone_selected_members }}
x {{bpa_service_extras.extra_service_price_qty}}
{{cart_edit_item_title}} {{cart_remove_item_title}}
Total Booking Amount
Total Deposit
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }}
Total Booking Amount
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_cart_total_with_currency }}
+{{ appointment_step_form_data.tax_amount }}
{{couon_applied_title}} {{ appointment_step_form_data.coupon_code }}
-{{ appointment_step_form_data.coupon_discount_amount_with_currecny }}

{{ coupon_code_msg }}

{{ coupon_code_msg }}

{{coupon_apply_button_label}} Applied
{{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.total_payable_amount_with_currency }}
{{deposit_title}} {{full_payment_title}}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }}
( {{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_total_with_currency }} )
{{deposit_remaining_amount_title}} {{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.included_tax_label }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.bookingpress_deposit_due_amount_total_with_currency }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.total_payable_amount_with_currency }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.total_payable_amount_with_currency }}
There is no payment method available.
Select Payment Method

Pay Locally




{{ is_error_msg }}

{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_firstname }} {{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_lastname }}

{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_email }}

{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_phone }}

No categories and services added!


★ 4.9

Cassandra Lim ★★★★★

Very reliable and professional. I have not experienced any absence or last minute change to appointment. Our regular house keeper Nwe Win is very thorough in her cleaning and always go above and beyond her job. Hired her for a 3 hours slot and she will always utilize the full 3 hours to clean every nook and cranny in our home.

Julian Savulescu ★★★★★

Nang is the best cleaner I have had. She regularly stays longer than her hours and is a perfectionist. The company is excellent to deal with.

Farid Alhady ★★★★★

Have been using Total Cleanz for almost 10 years, really great service from the cleaners, and it is especially good that a supervisor is personally allocated to you for easy communicate. 10/10 will definitely recommend Total Cleanz!

Lim Liping ★★★★★

Total Cleanz staff are all very professional and helpful and reliable. They have a wonderful team and professional cleaning helper.

Our Cleaning Equipment List

Provided Equipment:

  • Microfiber Cleaning Cloths (3pcs – 1 blue, 1 pink, 1 green)
  • Microfiber Glass Cloth (1pc)
  • MaxClean Degreaser (1 bottle)
  • GermShield Sanitizer (1 bottle)
  • Refreshing Flora (1 bottle)
  • Sponge Scrubber (1pc)
  • Long Brush (1pc)
  • Toilet Brush (1pc)
  • Window Squeegee (1 unit)

Required Customer-Provided Equipment:

  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Mop Set
  • Water Buckets
  • Extension Wiper

Please ensure that the above customer-provided equipment is available for our team to use during the service.


★ 4.9

Shinyi Seow ★★★★★

Great service! Lin has been cleaning my house for more than a year and she has always done a very good job. She always make the effort to ensure that every part of the house is cleaned. She is also always punctual on the cleaning days and finishes all the tasks on time.

Lyn Lim ★★★★★

Have been using Total Cleanz for several years. Reliable service and friendly staff to clean my place. Will recommend them.

Wai Mun Mok ★★★★★

I am very pleased with their cleaning services. The regular cleaner for my place always arrives punctually, works efficiently and does such a clean and thorough job every time. Their office personnel are very helpful and accommodating and respond promptly to my queries. Very satisfied with their services so far.

See Winnie ★★★★★

I have been using the service of home housekeeping since 2020. Plus pre and post renovation cleaning services. The cleaners and my weekly helper Ivy are well trained and extremely thorough in their jobs. Ivy who comes by on weekly basis does a fantastic job.


★ 4.8

Cassandra Lim

Very reliable and professional. I have not experienced any absence or last minute change to appointment. Our regular house keeper Nwe Win is very thorough in her cleaning and always go above and beyond her job. Hired her for a 3 hours slot and she will always utilize the full 3 hours to clean every nook and cranny in our home.

Julian Savulescu

Nang is the best cleaner I have had. She regularly stays longer than her hours and is a perfectionist. The company is excellent to deal with.

Farid Alhady

Have been using Total Cleanz for almost 10 years, really great service from the cleaners, and it is especially good that a supervisor is personally allocated to you for easy communicate. 10/10 will definitely recommend Total Cleanz!

Lim Liping

Total Cleanz staff are all very professional and helpful and reliable. They have a wonderful team and professional cleaning helper.


★ 4.8

Peiyee Chong ★★★★★

Dedicated, professional, reliable. More than 5 stars rating.

Vivien Lieu ★★★★★

Total Cleanz has been a reliable cleaning company for my family. Our cleaner, Thin, has been thoroughly reliable in her work, not only being consistently punctual through the years, but also in executing instructions independently without the need for supervision or adjustments from us. Her dependability has taken a huge load off our shoulders. We have also found Thin to be good at communication. In addition to being easy-going and pleasant to interact with, she has a can-do attitude towards work that we very much appreciate. Moreover, she has always taken care to flag our issues that required our attention early. All this had made the housekeeping process smooth and problem-free for my family.

Arelene Inderlal ★★★★★

Moe is my helper and I use her 3 times a week. She is the most wonderful caring and loving person I have known. Very thorough with her duties, ensuring that everything she needs to do is finished. I’ve also met Aye Soe and she is also good with her duties should Moe be on MC. Total Cleanz has so far worked out fine with me and I will continue to use them as long as Moe remains with them.

Felicia Tan ★★★★★

A heartfelt thank you goes to my regular cleaner, Lwin! Despite the modest size of my house, it tends to accumulate quite a mess. Yet, Lwin effortlessly tackles the cleaning tasks that would take me an entire day to complete, meticulously transforming my living space within just a few hours. Her unwavering work ethic, attention to detail, and willingness to go the extra mile are truly commendable.